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Public welfare publicity video titled "Sense the Temperature of the World” is released through one LED display of Times Square in New York

Date:2023-01-28 Source:International Cooperation Center

On June 8, 2022 (New York time), a public welfare publicity video titled "Sense the Temperature of the World" was circularly broadcast on Xinhua News Agency's "China Screen” in Times Square throughout the day. The short video attracted widespread attention as it conveyed the history, trend and urgency of global development. 

Released by China ICC Think Tank Council (CITTC), this video, taking the urban scenery of all continents as the background, showcases the urban landmarks and cultural landscapes in four seasons. Reminding people to pay attention to climate change, regional conflicts, food crisis, COVID-19 pandemic and other global economic and social issues caused by multiple factors, it aims to urge all countries and regions to speed up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to inject new impetus for global development.

Recently, major meetings such as the Summit of the Americas, Asia’s Premier Defense Summit (Shangri-La Dialogue), European Union Leaders Summit, BRICS Summit, and St. Petersburg International Economic Forum are being held in Los Angeles, Singapore, Brussels, Beijing and St. Petersburg, respectively. In the face of unprecedented turbulence and change, the international community generally hopes to keep to the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, maintain the central role of the UN in dealing with international affairs, practice multilateralism with practical actions, and promote peaceful development and global cooperation.

Times Square is located in the North Precinct of Midtown, Manhattan, New York. It is reputed as the "Crossroad of the World", having attracted so many global media and tourists. At present, all countries in the world are standing at the crossroads of making important decisions. For the first time, Chinese Think Tank proposes and spreads the concept of "peaceful development and win-win cooperation" to the international community from a unique perspective, reinforcing global confidence and strength to accelerate a stronger, greener and healthier development worldwide. Also, it is of great significance to build consensus within international community, maintain lasting peace and promote common prosperity.