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Princess Tengku Faizwa of Malaysia’s visit to China—Deepening International Cooperation for Peaceful Development of the Region and the World

Date:2023-06-28 Source:International Cooperation Center

In the early morning of May 27th, Princess Tengku Faizwa, member of the Strategic Advisory Committee of the International Cooperation Center (ICC) and President of the International Economic and Social Council of Malaysia, along with her entourage, arrived at Beijing Daxing International Airport and set out her week-long visit to China.

In early summer, plants and flowers are in blossom under the bright sunshine in Beijing. On May 28th, in front of the Early Architecture Square of Tsinghua University, accompanied by Tsinghua students and teachers, Princess Tengku Faizwa reviewed the historical story that Zheng He resided at Malacca for five times during his seven voyages to the West more than 600 years ago. The Princess said: “Along the Maritime Silk Road, Malaysia is equipped with a unique location advantage. China and Malaysia should deepen dialogue and exchanges, as well as coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs. I hope Malaysian students studying at Tsinghua will strive to be the messengers of amity between the two sides.” During her visit in Tsinghua campus, Princess Tengku Faizwa stopped from time to time to gaze and carefully listen to the explanation. The head of the Center for Global Competence Development (CGCD) at Tsinghua University and professors from the Law School participated in the exchanges.


Princess Tengku Faizwa with Teachers and Students of Tsinghua University


Visiting Tsinghua University Technology Park

From May 28th to 29th, the ICC held a welcome banquet, a thematic seminar and a closed-door meeting for Princess Tengku Faizwa and her entourage at the Zijin Service Center of National Government Offices Administration, the Hall of Crane of Beijing International Club and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, respectively. In 1974, Malaysia was the first ASEAN country to establish diplomatic relations with China. As time goes by, the two sides are now celebrating the 10th anniversary of their comprehensive strategic partnership, and next year will mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia.


Amicable Talks between China and Malaysia

During the meeting, two sides believed that the changes of world, times and history are unfolding in ways like never before, which pose a direct impact and serious challenges to global development. China and Malaysia are close neighbors, whose bilateral relations are rooted in their long-standing traditional friendship. Since the establishment of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations, two sides have made great strides in various fields of economic and social development. The Malaysian royal family and all sectors of Chinese and Malaysian society expect that the bilateral relationship will continue to prosper and benefit both peoples. The ICC, the International Economic, the Malaysia International Economic and Social Development (MIESD) and the Association for Dialogue among World Civilizations will take the fulfillment of the China-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) as critical opportunities to continue to promote high-level exchanges between the two countries, deepen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and jointly write a new chapter to promote the peaceful development of the region and the world.


Signing Strategic Cooperation Agreement


Exclusive Interview with Princess Tengku Faizwa by CGTN

Representatives from the ICC and the MIESD signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement at the meeting, which includes the commitment to joint hosting the Selangor International Cooperation Forum. After the meeting, Princess Tengku Faizwa had an exclusive interview with CGTN at the Hall of Crane of Beijing International Club. Chen Jinxing, the first Chairman of the China Committee of the Silk Road Business Council and former Chairman of China Datang Corporation attended the seminar and delivered a keynote speech. Zhang Chongqing, member of the Strategy Advisory Committee of the ICC and Honorary President of the China Group Companies Association (CGCA), presided at the seminar. Sixty special guests from central and state agencies, local governments, civil organizations, central enterprises, and top think tanks exchanged their views during the seminar and the meeting.

From May 30th to 31st, Princess Tengku Faizwa and her entourage visited the headquarters of China Railway Signal & Communication (Group) Co., Ltd (CRSC) and China Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd (CHEC) and other central enterprises. Zhang Chongqing and officials from the Steering Committee and the Secretariat of the ICC also joined the visit. At the CRSC, Zhang Jingfang, General Manager of CRSC International Holdings Co., Ltd (CRSC International), introduced the history, technological advantages, and development of the company to the Princess and her entourage and accompanied them to the laboratory building of the CRSC. Zhang Jingfang explained that the CRSC is a leader in China’s high-speed rail industry, with its world-leading train control technology ensuring the secure operation of 150,000 kilometers of railways and over 40,000 kilometers of high-speed railway in China. Moreover, it also established and improved more than 60,000 high-speed rail testing cases, surpassing the total number of that of foreign and multinational companies. The CRSC International will seize the important opportunities presented by the going global strategy of China’s high-speed railway and the Belt and Road Initiative to provide Malaysia with advanced technologies and integrated solutions for high-speed railway system, further promoting its economic and social development.


Visiting the Office of the CRSC Headquarter


Observing the Prototype Testing Model for In-vehicle System of the CRSC


Experiencing Simulated Drive of China’s High-Speed Trains

At the headquarters of the CHEC, Su Yansong, Deputy General Manager of the company, presented an overview of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd (CCCC) and the CHEC to Princess Tengku Faizwa and her entourage. Ranking 60th on the Fortune Global 500, the CCCC is the world’s largest company in port design and construction, highway and bridge design and construction, dredging, container crane manufacturing, and offshore oil drilling platform design. It is also the largest international engineering contracting company in Asia and the largest investor in highways in China.

Su Yansong introduced that the CHEC, as a subsidiary of the CCCC—a Fortune 500 company, develops the overseas markets for the CCCC. So far the CHEC boasts more than 90 branches (subsidiaries) and representative offices around the world. It operates in over 100 countries and regions with more than 20,000 employees and the total contract sum of its current projects exceeds USD 40 billion. As one of the earliest China’s enterprises exploring Malaysian market, it has won more than 50 projects, including marine engineering, roads and bridges, dredging, railroads and rail transits and port supporting facilities. The Second Penang Bridge, the longest bridge in Southeast Asia, is built by the CHEC. With the support of Princess Tengku Faizwa, CHEC hopes to continue to deepen pragmatic cooperation in infrastructure and other fields so as to give fresh impetus to the friendly relations between China and Malaysia.


Princess Tengku Faizwa pays visit to the CHEC headquarters.


Princess Tengku Faizw is listening to the introduction of the CCCC and CHEC.

Our friends in Southeast Asia say that the lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises. Our friends in Africa say that if you want to go fast, walk alone; and if you want to go far, walk together. Our friends in Europe say that a single tree cannot block the chilly wind. And Chinese people say that when big rivers is brimful with water, the small ones are filled, and when small rivers brimful with water, the big ones filled. These sayings are all the same truth, that is, only through win-win cooperation can we make huge, great and sustainable achievements. During her visit to China, Princess Tengku Faizw said that the world is confronted with global challenges which should be addressed by multilateralism and deeper international cooperation. Her Highness noted the rapid progress in China’s economy and society after Covid-19 pandemic, and particularly emphasized China’s high initiative and sense of global responsibility in promoting sustainable recovery and development of the world economy. Her Highness acclaimed the comprehensive strategic cooperation between the ICC and the MIESD and their decision to hold the Selangor International Cooperation Forum together. 

Currently, China and Malaysia are witnessing progress in political relations, trade, economy and people-to-people exchanges. That creates an enabling environment for the ICC and the MIESD to promote the cooperation between China and Malaysia. The future China-Malaysia relations may face risks and challenges which stem from Malaysia’s political volatility, global geopolitical changes and pressure on regional economic recovery. But we are confident in the promising prospect of the friendly relations between both countries with the fulfillment of the “Five Consensus”, bilateral dialogue mechanism, implementation of RCEP, and concerted efforts in promoting high-quality BRI cooperation.

A friendship by hearts can last forever. We believe that by working hand in hand towards the China-Malaysia community with a shared future, the two countries will take bilateral relations to a new level and sail together towards a bright future of shared destiny.